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Links to Math Resources


Here are some great resources for basic skill building, challenge problems, and curriculum resources. 

I'll update these pages as I find new resources, and will note the updates in the blog.


Khan Academy - Videos highlighting Math Concepts and Showing Practice Problems:

One of the best websites for getting a better footing for the middle school math we tackle in 6th grade. The site is searchable and the videos offer very clear descriptions of the math concepts and step-by-step approach to solving math problems. 


BrainPop - Math Lessons, Videos, and Mini-Quizzes:

All of our Ray students have a subscription to BrainPop, which is a site that has short videos explaining many topics about History, Science, and Math. The videos are great, and the graphic organizers, problems, and quizzes are a nice way to dig into the concepts. 


Basic Skills Practice:

One of my preferred sites for getting practice skills worksheets. Notice the extensive list of skill areas on the right hand side.  The difficulty can be adjusted within each sub-heading.


For actual workbooks, I've found that the Kumon series of practice workbooks aligned to grade level are decent ways to build up sets of skills in specific areas.  Example:


Common Core State Standards for Math:

The much discussed CCSS for Math. Feel free to review the 6th grade standards and those for the adjacent grade levels to get a better idea how our curriculum is structured.



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