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Week 3 Curriculum Update

A brief review of our learning from the week of September 13-17:

Math: We worked on learning how to calculate the area of triangles and parallelograms by understanding how a square can be cut into half along the diagonal, forming two triangles. This is also true of any parallelogram, meaning any triangle's area can be calculated by multiplying the base times the height, and then dividing that product in half. This led us into learning the Area formulas for triangles and parallelograms, and practicing the skill of identifying the base and the height for each shape.

Science: In Science, we were learning about how the scale of small, microscopic things compare to each other. We studied how the sizes of cells, viruses, bacteria and molecules are at vastly different scales, some needing to be multiplied 20 times, and others needing to be multiplied by 500 times in order to 'see' their structure. The general principle being that trillions of microorganisms are all around us, on us and inside of us (and on all living things!) and that many of those things are part of a tiny ecosystem that helps to keep us healthy.

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