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Welcome Back to School!!!

Monday is the first day of the 2021-2022 school year for CPS, and we at Ray have all been working hard to set up the school and our classrooms for the return of all of our students. It's going to be a great school year!!!

The 6th Grade Homerooms this year will be Mr. Papczun in Room 310 and Mrs. Johnson-Finner in Room 307. I will primarily teach Math and Science to all of the 6th graders and Mrs. Johnson-Finner will teach ELA (English Language Arts) and Social Science. Our 6th graders will split their time between our two classrooms, switching classrooms after lunch.

Here are some important details about the first day.

  • We will meet on Monday morning on the south playground at 8:45 (on the blacktop near the baseball field).

  • Wear a mask (and bring a backup mask). All students, teachers, and staff will be wearing masks throughout the school day.

  • Bring a water bottle with a secure lid. The water fountains all have bottle fillers, but the individual drinking spouts are turned off.

  • Do not bring your own personal computer or device, as they will not work on the CPS network. We will have CPS chromebooks in the classrooms.

  • Phones should be turned off and put away during the school day and headphones only used when directed by the teachers.

I am available at if you have any questions about Monday morning or the first week. I look forward to meeting all of our new students, and reconnecting with the 5th graders that I taught remotely last year!

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